What kinds of socks do you have on today? For some people, socks could be just the ordinary things in daily life. But socks can also be the extraordinary things for someone else by giving them just a little bit of pleasure and helping them enjoy the new day. We are KIKIYA SOCKS who makes this pleasure and joy. We will change your day with our socks. That is truly why we make these socks.
키키야삭스는 MADE IN KOREA, MADE BY KIKIYA SOCKS를 자랑스럽게 내걸고자 원사에서부터 디자인, 제조, 납품까지 전 과정을 책임감 있게 관리하며, 좋은 품질의 양말을 만들기 위해 언제나 노력하고 있습니다.
키키야삭스는 좋은 촉감과 양말 본연의 땀 흡수 기능을 위해 최고급 Cotton을 사용하여 양말을 만들고 있으며, 키키야삭스만의 개성을 나타낼 수 있도록 매 시즌 다양한 종류의 원사 사용 및 컬러 연구를 끊임없이 하고 있습니다.
키키야삭스는 “트랜드”와 “퀄리티”라는 두 마리 토끼를 잡기 위해 뛰어난 감각의 젊은 디자이너들과 오랜 경력의 양말 장인들이 서로 협력하여 최상의 시너지를 낼 수 있도록 지금 이 순간에도 함께 연구하며 성장하고 있습니다.
서울특별시 강북구 한천로109길 10
강북유니온빌딩 502호
Suite 502, Gangbuk Union Bldg.,10 Hancheon-ro
109-gil, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea
(Sweet Fruits)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 15%
Polyester 10%
(Ribbon Sol id socks)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 15%
Polyester 10%
(Spring Knit)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 15%
Polyester 10%
(Heart Beam middle socks)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 15%
Polyester 10%
(Ribbon Band middle socks)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 15%
Polyester 10%
(Flower Ribbon Pattern)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 15%
Polyester 10%
(Spring Knit)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 15%
Polyester 10%
(Sanrio Color ankle socks)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 15%
Polyester 10%
(Sanrio Color ankle socks)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 15%
Polyester 10%
(Color_Disney_ankle socks)
Combed cotton 78%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 7%
Polyurethane 2%
(Heart Snoopy ankle socks)
Combed cotton 73%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 7%
Polyurethane 2%
(Cheese Sanrio)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 15%
Polyester 10%
(Good Night Sanrio)
Combed cotton 73%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 7%
Polyurethane 2%
(Sporty Cat And Dog)
Combed cotton 78%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 7%
Polyurethane 2%
(Winnie the pooh Band)
Combed cotton 73%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 7%
Polyurethane 2%
(loving you)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 1%
Polyurethane 5%
Nylon 10%
Woll 46%
Acrylic 3%
Lycra spandex 90%
Metallic 23%
Rayon 67%
(loving you)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 1%
Polyurethane 5%
Nylon 10%
Woll 46%
Acrylic 3%
Lycra spandex 90%
Metallic 23%
Rayon 67%
(loving you)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 1%
Polyurethane 5%
Nylon 10%
Woll 46%
Acrylic 3%
Lycra spandex 90%
Metallic 23%
Rayon 67%
(loving you)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 1%
Polyurethane 5%
Nylon 10%
Woll 46%
Acrylic 3%
Lycra spandex 90%
Metallic 23%
Rayon 67%
(loving you)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 1%
Polyurethane 5%
Nylon 10%
Woll 46%
Acrylic 3%
Lycra spandex 90%
Metallic 23%
Rayon 67%
(loving you)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 1%
Polyurethane 5%
Nylon 10%
Woll 46%
Acrylic 3%
Lycra spandex 90%
Metallic 23%
Rayon 67%
(loving you)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 1%
Polyurethane 5%
Nylon 10%
Woll 46%
Acrylic 3%
Lycra spandex 90%
Metallic 23%
Rayon 67%
(loving you)
Combed cotton 75%
Spandex 18%
Polyester 1%
Polyurethane 5%
Nylon 10%
Woll 46%
Acrylic 3%
Lycra spandex 90%
Metallic 23%
Rayon 67%